Summer 2011 Book Release |
Excerpt from an upcoming release,
A Divine Decree for Order
As we approach 20
11, God is bringing to my spirit a manuscript I completed in 2002. To my surprise the number
11 means "order, judgment. The title of this manuscript is A Divine Decree for Order. That was confirmation enough that this book finally reached it season of release in 2011.
In Daniel 5, you will meet Belshazzar, a king given to sensual pleasure. The king throws this banquet and invites everybody in Joe’s county to come. They drank wine out of the sacred vessels from the temple of Jerusalem thereby insulting the Jews and God. God shows up at the feast and gives His contribution to the party with a hand writing on the wall. Isn’t God awesome? He can come in at anytime anywhere and do what He wants to do as He pleases. The amazing thing is He does it in an unusual way so that you know that it was definitely GOD. God knows how to mess up your party and take you off of your high. Now the king is all shaken up.
Daniel 5:25,
And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (PERES).
The church today gives a great feast every Sunday at church, liken unto the children of Israel who ate, drank and rose up to play. Play what? Play church. As of 2010, the handwriting has been definitely on the wall of churches around America.
God is saying, "Enough is enough." He is no longer winking at ignorance to His will. This year will be a year of chastening, correction, shifting, purging, rooting out, and pulling down. It has already begun!
The king sends for the astrologers and the Chaldeans and the soothsayers to interpret the handwriting on the wall. Just like the church today looking in all the wrong places, calling on the same ole same ole elite of the gospel to bring in a word from God. Some of them don’t even have access into the mind of God. Why? Go back to Joshua, the high priest in Zechariah 3, who had to go through the cleansing process in order that he may be able to judge the congregation. It wasn’t until he was cleansed of iniquity, walked in God’s ways and kept God’s charge that he would have access to God like the angels. Access to God brings revelations into the deep things of God. Because most leaders don’t have access to God, they rely on the Internet and other sources for wisdom, direction, and sermons. Some of them can’t tell the back of God’s hand from the front. Not only do they reject the least; they despise and reject the true prophets of today. They won't even give them a voice in the church for fear of being read themselves. It’s the people you least expect who have a rich understanding into the plans of God.
The king didn’t call on the least in the kingdom, but rather he calls on the Chaldeans who represent educated church folk who abuse the gifts of the Spirit and operate in self. They tend to go off into strange stuff that has no biblical foundation. They teach off of the wisdom of man and not by divine inspiration. God did not allow them to interpret it. This was a spiritual matter. It was a deep thing of God. Only the spiritual can discern spiritual things. He gave to Daniel the interpretation of it. God reveals His secrets unto the righteous.
numbered, numbered, weighed, divided
There is a feast going on in the church of God. God’s order has been swept under the pulpit carpet and the traditions and doctrines of man, the creed and constitutions have been exalted over God’s word. The church is on the road to spiritual degeneracy. She is enjoying a freedom of self-indulgence in fulfilling the lust of the flesh. She resembles every characteristic of the apostate church being lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful to God and unholy. This is not just a description of the world, but of a people who claim to know God.
People have become cold hearted towards one another, slanderers, falsely accusing their sister and brother, despisers of them that are good and loose in morals and conduct. They have become betrayers to their sisters and brothers, inflated with self-conceit, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. They have the outer show of godliness without its spiritual dynamic. Praising God with their lips and their heart is far from Him.