Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Discover the Call of God for Your Life Book: A Book for the Graduate

AVAILABLE @ www.kimberlyjacksonbooks.com


People often asked me what my title or calling in life was, and I would hesitate for a moment and think, not really knowing, so they would take it upon themselves to label me everything but what God called me to be. Title labeling goes on every day in Christendom, which is why it is extremely important to go to the Source of your being to find out your calling or mission in life and not allow man to label you.” We all are vessels passing through with a purpose in life to fulfill a need. We must find out what it is and prepare for it.

According to Galatians 1:15-16, Paul was set apart from birth for his calling.

But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace.
To reveal his Son in me that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.

God knew everything about Paul, just as He knows everything about you and me. God’s plan for your life may be a five-fold ministry position, entrepreneurship, or writer. Whatever it is, it was thought out before conception and has God’s blessings upon it. Paul knew he was called to do a special work, recognized it as God’s vision for his life, and operated in it with guidance from God.

     We can learn much from creation and God’s order of things. In the beginning, God called things into existence, named them, and placed them where they needed to be in order to fulfill their purposes in the earth. He said, “Let there be...and there it was. He said, “Let the earth bring forth...Let the grass bring forth... Let the waters bring forth: ... and so on. Everything God made carried out a task assigned to them by their Creator. God made man first and then woman, named them, gave them their assignments, and told them to dominate, be fruitful, and multiply. And that, my friend is the same thing He’s telling us individually.

All creation was put in place to show forth the glory of God in all you do. God looked at everything he’d created and saw that it was very good to include the vision for your life. He equips you with the power, ability, wisdom, and knowledge to operate in your purpose. Find out what your purpose is by going to Him and begin to prepare for it as I show you in “Discover the Call of God for Your Life: God’s protocol to finding and fulfilling His purpose for your life."

This book makes a great gift for any graduate! Grab a copy or copies now! Click the link below the image.

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