Monday, December 19, 2011


You are the reason for the season
You are the reason why I am breathing
You are the reason I'm not leaving
You are the reason I'm forever cleaving
You are the reason to do what's pleasing
You are the reason I am cheesing
You are the reason I'm not teasing
Jesus is really the reason for the season!

Copyright Kimberly Jackson

Visit POETRY in the NOW by Kim


2012 is upon us!

This has been an awesome year! This has been a strange year as we have witnessed God shifting the atmosphere by doing some shaking and quaking as well as some testing and blessing.
2011 was very trying year. The number eleven means disorder, judgment, disorganization.
11 falls short of divine gov't.
2012 is upon us! The number twelve means divine gov't, apostolic fullness, and family.

This is the year of manifested order.
I would like to invite you to a preview of "A Journey into Biblical Numbers," where you will get a peak inside the book. Click this link to Look Inside the Book and signup to get your private viewing.