Thursday, June 8, 2017

Do Children Suffer Because of Parent’s Past Sins?

Too often things come into our lives and cause discomfort. We rehearse over and over in our minds why this is happening, or what’s going on when the Bible instructs us to not lean to our own understanding, just trust God in the situation and learn from it. The Bible warns us that in this world you will have tribulations. They come for many reasons known to God.

The Huffington Post wrote an article about Toni Braxton, citing statements from her new book “Unbreak My Heart” in which she opens up about her life, her family, and her past. One statement she shared concerning her past received a lot of attention in which she voiced that she once believed God gave her son autism because of a past abortion. In other words, she once believed her son’s condition is because of her past sin. Now she has a change of mind and has found peace about it and is able to move on with her life. In her lifetime she’s had her share of ups and downs with a lupus diagnosis, a divorce, and two bankruptcies.The write-up did not fail to mention that she had a religious upbringing. She has history with God.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Divine Decree for Order New Book Release

It doesn’t take spiritual eyes to discern the condition of the modern-day church. Yet, there are those who don’t see anything wrong with the Church. Perhaps you are one of them or someone you know. In A Divine Decree for Order, you will go on a journey into the mind of God and see the condition of the Church. Is she rapture-ready? Is she a bride prepared for the groom? Is she without spot or blemish?

From the beginning of time God saw chaos in the earth and called it into order. It was a mess out there and He fixed it. Amid the chaos today beginning in the church house and in the world, God is calling forth order. The world can’t get in order until the Church gets in order. Why? Because the Church is called to be the Light that shines in darkness. She is the solution to the world. However, something is incredibly wrong! So, wrong that God deemed it necessary for this book to be written in 2002 and released fifteen years later—today, in year 2017.