Saturday, June 12, 2010


Visions of God's Coming Judgments
While there be many who dispute the validity of the Trinity-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Jesus words affirms its reality in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19. One God who subsists in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). Each is distinquished from the other: each possess all the divine attributes; yet the THREE are ONE.
There are religions that deny the Trinity. They don’t acknowledge the Holy Spirit and His ministry to the Church. Even the Webster dictionary acknowledges the Trinity as being the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Webster doesn’t have a problem with the Holy Ghost being the third person of the Godhead, so why do some men? Denying the Holy Ghost is denying God His personality. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost has the same attributes of God such as omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, love, truth, holiness, and wisdom.

I John 5:7 tell us, “For there are three that bare record in heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost.” They bear witness one to the other. They work in unison just as the Body of Christ should be working. The Holy Ghost represents power. The word “trinity” itself means a set of three. This unique set of three are one. When you leave out one, you have broken off the union. Without the three, you are good as dead and powerless.

Friday, June 4, 2010


The scribes and Pharisees represent the religious and educated who sit in Moses' seat. What an insult to God. Moses' seat represents authority, uprightness, integrity, morality, loyalty, power and responsibility.

There are people today who sit in Moses' seat who:
  1. Observe the commands passed down from some human agency and enforce them on others.
  2. Resist the kingdom message and refuse God's order of transitioning from church to kingdom.
  3. Keep people in bondage to traditions, creeds, and ceremonial rituals.
  4. Love to be seen (put on a dramatic showing).
  5. Caught up on titles (salutation stands corrected if wrong).
  6. Love the chief seats (positions) in the house (church). Their goal is the inner circle.
  7. Seek to please men.
  8. Walk in pride (like Humpty Dumpty will at some point suffer a great fall).
  9. Cheat their way to the top.
  10. Seek admiration and praise from others.
  11. Don't care about being holy-just look the part. Act spiritual.
  12. Lack love, compassion, and a giving spirit.
  13. Hinder others from entering the kingdom because they are not in their rightful place in ministry.

They sit in Moses' seat as imposters in someone elses' seat of authority, unapproved by God, yet ordained by man. Basically "acting" and at the same time frustrating the grace of God. They act as teachers, evangelists, apostles, prophets, ministers, and whatever position one is standing in that God did not set them in. God set some... Jesus gave... Not man. Somehow their "acting" is the wrong acting. We are called to preach the good news (kingdom message) and demonstrate (this type of acting) the power of God.


God is calling for a divine decree for order in the Church.