Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ten reasons why anyone chooses not to read this prophetic book

Visions of God's Coming Judgments

What readers are saying!

The writer truly hears the voice of God and write the revelations in a way that captures the soul. Dr. R. Ward, Lithonia, GA
We have read your book and it is very inspiring. It is really anointed by God. Rev. Meter, Stone Mtn, GA 
This book will:

  • Challenge you to a spiritual self-examination.
  • Help bring you into right standing with God.
  • Reveals the significance of the appearance of Hale Bopp in 1995.
  • Increase your knowledge into the will and plan of God for mankind.
  • Identify satan in the home, church and society today.
  • Much more! 

One particular encounter with God recorded in this book, left the writer at awe for days!
When God finished saying what He had to say, I had to lie flat on my face until my strength returned unto me." The Author.
Will things get better? READ THE BOOK

Three ways to order:

1. Click on link above to order from Amazon (paperback or eBook)
2. Barnes and Noble for eBook.
3. Mail Order (Fill out contact form to the right to request order form).

If you find yourself in the Top 10 reasons for not reading this book, shake yourself.

Don't be in the dark any longer! Something is incredibly wrong with this country and surrounding nations!

Monday, February 10, 2014

In love with the other significant

Have you ever just thought about a person all the time? You wake up in the morning thinking about that person. You go about your day thinking about that person. You dream about that person. You sing about that person. Its just you and that person alone. Just in time for Valentines Day, I introduce to you my other significant in a poem titled, It Must be Love.
It must be love
Got me on cloud nine
I can’t seem to get God off of my mind
He’s so good to me and as loving as He can be
Always bringing blessings to me
His glory, He says is shining on me
Now that’s what I call love, grace and mercy
I’m forever in His presence
He’s forever in mine
I think about God all the time
He’s holding my hands
I’m holding His too
This love we have together is stronger than glue

Monday, February 3, 2014

The meaning of the 2014 56th Annual Grammy Awards

Millions across the globe watched a show of mockery to God on television as Queen Latifah officiated a “top secret” gay and straight marriage ceremony at the 2014 Grammy Awards. What a slap in the face to God and disrespect to his institution of marriage. This years show carries a lot of meaning around it through the numbers involved.
Read the astonishing revelation here!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stand firm in the faith in a loosely moral world

Amid intense loose morality in the world, children of God need to be reminded to stand firm on the word of God. The word of God is the blueprint for righteous living. Don’t give in to the pressures of society. Hold fast to what you believe to be truth. Anyone who gets angry with you for speaking the truth is actually getting angry with God. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God (John 1:1). He is the word they so strongly resist. Heaven and earth shall pass away but the word is so powerful it remains in tact. Why? Need I say again, in the beginning...
Here is a poem that describes those who serve divers lust and pleasures and put it on a platter for all to see and indulge. And if you don’t agree with their sin--hate crime. People of God be not deceived and fear not.
Read the rest here